Art Of Self-Realization Through The Yoga Of Immortals
Date – March 4th to 8th 2019
Self-realization is completely beyond religion and popular concepts of GOD. In fact, religions, ethnic identities, language, culture etc are man made. A self-realized person has gone beyond such false and narrow identities and is established in a state of oneness, happiness and constant bliss.Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand, an enlightened Himalayan master of the ancient Shiv Yog lineage will himself conduct “The Art of Self-Realization through the Yoga of Immortals” in Bengaluru in March 2019. He will give us an authentic experience of the supreme state of Cosmic Consciousness and will help us start an inward journey towards Self-Realization.
Self-realization is completely beyond religion and popular concepts of GOD. In fact, religions, ethnic identities, language, culture etc are man made. A self-realized person has gone beyond such false and narrow identities and is established in a state of oneness, happiness and constant bliss.
Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand, an enlightened Himalayan master of the ancient Shiv Yog lineage will himself conduct “The Art of Self-Realization through the Yoga of Immortals” in Bengaluru in March 2019. He will give us an authentic experience of the supreme state of Cosmic Consciousness and will help us start an inward journey towards Self-Realization.
Everyone knows the term “Yoga”, but do you know what it really means?
The true and original yoga that was practiced by the ancients in India was not a merely physical yoga. It was the art and science of:
- mastering the external body,
- the external breath,
- the internal body and
- the internal breath,
- the mind,
- the primordial sound
- and the ultimately the cosmic mind.
Self realization is not something outside that we have to attain. It is within us. The soul was born as the all knowing entity. It’s just that being in the grip of the five senses and the mind in the human body that we forget who we really are and where we really are supposed to reach.
- Are you interested in knowing the truth about yourself?
- Are you interested in cleansing your perception and being able to see the world as it truly is?
- Are you interested in getting a glimpse, an authentic experience of cosmic consciousness?
If you answered YES to all the above questions, then you must attend this shivir. We are truly fortunate that Dr. Shivanand has chosen Bengaluru to unfold this ancient, mystical and powerful Yoga.
Event Details
Date: March 4th to 8th 2019
Art Of Self Realisation Through Yoga Of Immortals Bangalore
Venue: PRINCESS SHRINE, Bellary Road, Bengaluru.