Shivyog Cosmic Medicine
Shiv Yog Cure Is Possible is grounded in the definition of health. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as: “A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Shiv Yog Cure Is Possible (SYCIP) combines the modern medicine of the West with the ancient yogic wisdom of the East. SYCIP is an approach to care that puts the patient at the center and addresses the entire gamut of physical, mental, emotional, and social factors that affect an individual’s health. It emphasizes the unique relationship between practitioner and patient and employs a personalized strategy to treat disease and help the patient regain and maintain optimal health. It is thus based on a model of health and wellness, as opposed to a model of disease of the traditional medicine. SYCIP is the science of self-awareness that unfolds the innate healing potential within a human being. SYCIP shifts the focus from traditional Newtonian Physics to Quantum Physics of energy, field, and signals in the treatment of a disease.
The fundamental principles of Shiv Yog Cure Is Possible as defined by Dr. Shivanand are listed below.
Principles of Shiv Yog Cure Is Possible
Based on quantum physics, all matter is made up of energy and energy is made up of vibrations.
Every human body (including the organs, cells, atoms, and sub-atomic particles of an individual) has its own frequency.
Further, every human being has five bodies – physical body, energy body, mind body, causal body, and super-causal body; all these five bodies have their own frequencies.
An individual’s thoughts have their own frequencies and thoughts are affected by the psychic impressions (residue of past traumas and negative situations – emotional and etheric toxins) stored in the causal body.
An individual’s cells resonate with the frequency of that individual’s emotions (state of mind) which are in turn controlled by thoughts.
When these frequencies go below a certain level, the individual manifests a disease. At higher frequencies, the individual experiences excellent health.
Energy exchange between individuals is a fact of nature – an individual can raise the frequency of another individual by transferring positive energy.
The human body is capable of producing the medicine needed for a cure from within, at healthy frequencies.
By detoxifying the patient of physical, emotional, and etheric toxins and raising cellular frequencies, it is possible to achieve a cure.
Physicians can be taught how to detoxify themselves at multiple levels and to raise their own vibrational frequencies so high that they become the living medicine that the patient needs for the cure. Physicians can also be trained to transfer to patients the knowledge and practice of cosmic yogic techniques as well as mental and emotional attitudes for lasting good health.
Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand describes good health as not just a human body without sickness or diseases, but as a complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Thus, Shiv Yog Cure Is Possible (SYCIP) was founded by Dr. Shivanand by combining modern medicine of the West and the ancient yogic wisdom of the East. SYCIP is known as integrative cosmic medicine which is an alternative approach to healing chronic diseases.
SYCIP or cosmic medicine is essentially an approach that emphasizes the unique bond between the practitioner and the patient. The patient is put at the center and their entire gamut of physical, mental, emotional, and social conditions are addressed. Various types of approaches are taken into consideration while helping patients to regain and maintain their optimal health. Some of these techniques include cosmic earth medicine, cosmic plus medicine, cosmic energy therapy, cosmic energy mantra, etc. SYCIP uses Quantum Physics in the treatment of diseases, unlike traditional Newtonian Physics. Dr. Shivanand explains that every human being has five bodies namely, the Physical body, Energy Body, Mental Body, Casual body, and Super-casual body. One of the prime cosmic energy benefits is that SYCIP focuses on detoxifying from physical to all four subtle body levels. The patient is taught certain yogic practices called SOOKSHMA KRIYAS and PRANA KRIYAS that help to strengthen their physical and subtle bodies while detoxifying at a deep level. Chanting cosmic energy mantra and participating in cosmic energy meditation are some of the cosmic energy secrets that help the patient to de-stress, detoxify and detach from the disease. During the process, the patient continues to receive regular medication along with cosmic earth medicine, cosmic plus medicine, cosmic energy therapy, and cosmic energy meditation. SYCIP is filled with cosmic energy benefits that use the high health frequency of the doctor and channel it to the patient. The patient then learns new positive beliefs and attitudes that help to recover emotionally. The doctor also uses positive words and powerful affirmations to restore hope and self-belief in the patient. The cosmic energy secrets also include a healthy SYCIP diet consisting of high vibrational food components, like water, fiber, and bulk, which further strengthens the immune system and supports the healing process.
Dr. Shivanand opines that a patient (Rogi) can become healthy (Nirogi) by raising the frequency of the physical and subtle bodies through various SYCIP practices and cosmic medicines. As the vibration frequency progressively increases, the Nirogi becomes able to evolve into a Yogi, and ultimately into a Shiv Yogi. Find more about mindfulness and a healthy lifestyle by subscribing to the SYCIP newsletter.