There was a major problem with the development of Modern Medicine, even after all the efforts, no treatment of chronic or incurable diseases was found in Modern Medicine. Dr. Avadhoot Shivanand ji, a cosmic scientist and the shivyogi of ancient Shivyog lineage has developed the science of Integrative Cosmic Medicine. After special training, when doctors used it with Modern Medicines, very good results came out.After this, hospitals and nursing homes around the world requested for trained cosmic therapist so that the Cosmic Therapy Center could be established in Hospitals and Nursing Homes. Patients who are being treated with Modern Medicines get relief very fast through cosmic therapy. In view of this, the Institute of Cosmic Medicine decided to provide training of AVS Cosmic Therapy to people, so that after becoming Cosmic Therapists they are able to open their scientific Cosmic Therapy Centres and treat the needy patients in a professional manner. This is a very good step in the field of Healthcare.
Cosmic Therapy


After Therapy Amazing Experiences

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