The Science of Self – Realization Through Advait Sri Vidya In Higher Dimension Integrated with The Yoga of The Immortals
In the physical presence of Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand
In Bengaluru
March 4- 8 2019
March 4- 8 2019
In Bengaluru, March 4th – 8th, 2019
Every individual has infinite potential but 99% of human beings exist in body consciousness. In this state of consciousness, they are finite, at the mercy of the ups and downs of life and often bogged down by limitations.
But by going beyond body consciousness and tapping the infinite power of the mind, individuals can really be the masters of their own destiny.
Shiv Yogis however do not stop there. Their only interest is Self-Realization. When an individual learns how to connect with his own self, his higher self, he has access to the infinite creative field through which he can realize his true inner and outer potential.
Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand, an enlightened Himalayan master of the ancient Shiv Yog lineage will himself conduct “The Science of Self – Realization Through Advait Sri Vidya 4 In Higher Dimension Integrated with The Yoga of The Immortals” in Bengaluru in March 2019. He will give us an authentic experience of the supreme state of Cosmic Consciousness and will help us start an inward journey towards Self-Realization.
This is a new and advanced sadhana which combines the very ancient, esoteric and immensely powerful Advait Sri Vidya Sadhna 4 in higher dimension with the Yoga of Immortals which has never been taught to the general public.
This is a rare and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience Cosmic Consciousness through the grace of the only living master of Advait Sri Vidya on the planet.

Everyone knows the term “Yoga”, but do you know what it really means? The true and original yoga that was practiced by the ancient sages in India was not a merely physical yoga. It was the art and science of:
- mastering the external body,
- the external breath,
- the internal body and
- the internal breath,
- the mind,
- the primordial sound
- and the ultimately the cosmic mind.
Everyone knows the term “Yoga”, but do you know what it really means? The true and original yoga that was practiced by the ancient sages in India was not a merely physical yoga. It was the art and science of:
- mastering the external body,
- the external breath,
- the internal body and
- the internal breath,
- the mind,
- the primordial sound
- and the ultimately the cosmic mind.

Self realization is not something outside that we have to attain. It is within us. The soul was born as the all knowing entity. It’s just that being in the grip of the five senses and the mind in the human body that we forget who we really are and where we really are supposed to reach.
~ Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand
- Are you interested in knowing the truth about yourself?
- Are you interested in cleansing your perception and being able to see the world as it truly is?
- Are you interested in getting a glimpse, an authentic experience of cosmic consciousness?
If you answered YES to all the above questions, then you must attend this shivir. We are truly fortunate that Dr. Shivanand has chosen Bengaluru to unfold this ancient, mystical and powerful Yoga.
To learn more about Dr. Shivanand and Shiv Yog, please visit: https://shivyog.com/
How to get the best out of the Art of Self-Realization Shivir:
- Join a Shiv Yog FORUM if you are not already a member
- Practice Sukshma Kriyas and Prana Kriyas every day
- Attend the Advait Sri Vidya Shivirs in Mumbai / Bengaluru
- Attend the “Mastering your destiny through Shiv Yog Mindfulness” shivir in Mumbai
- Attend as many online shivirs (conducted by Shiv Yog forums) as possible
Event Details
The Science of Self – Realization Through Advait Sri Vidya In Higher Dimension Integrated with The Yoga of The Immortals
in the Physical Presence of Babaji
In Bengaluru
March 4- 8 2019
in the Physical Presence of Babaji
In Bengaluru
March 4- 8 2019
Date: March 4th to 8th 2019
Time: 8 am – 3 pm
Venue Address: Princess Shrine, Gate # 9, Palace Grounds,
Bellary Road, Near Sadashivnagar, Mekhri circle and Cauvery theater, Bengaluru – 560080
Helpline Email ID : shivirs.karnataka@gmail.com
Note: Shiv Yog Forum members who register under category C will be provided category B seating at no extra cost. Join a forum now to take advantage of this member benefit.
Hotels near the venue: Please find the list of hotel near the venue here.
Very shortly Shiv Yog will start the AVS MINDFULNESS FORUM for 100% worldly success.
Those of you who are attending the following shivirs in Mumbai and Bengaluru will be given almost free one-year membership of AVS MINDFULNESS WEEKLY FORUMS.