Shivyog Quotes
In every halted situation, You were my guiding force, In every halted situation, You were my guiding force, I have felt existence and so I have left my past behind and stepped forward to experience the blessed future..
ONLY THE AWAKENED CAN TAKE RESPONSIBILITY . ONLY THE AWAKENED CAN TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. The ignorant always suffer blaming others. Instead, one must think, what lessons did one learn from the incident of life.
When you feed the hungry in the name of your ancestors, When you feed the hungry in the name of your ancestors, It is not the food but the emotion of contentment of the one who consumes that reaches them.
A True Disciple will be Silent with his Guru and Not Verbal. The Discipe will take in his Guru’s Consiousness.
A normal person will succumb to any difficult situation in life.
A Shiv Yogi Will learn the lessons from all troubles and emerge Victorious and not commit the same mistake again.
Maya will test you with all kind of Circumstances.Maya will test you with all kind of Circumstances.Those who devotionally do sadhana of lord Mahamruthunjaya can never be affected by anything.Maya will test you with all kind of circumstances but if you remain strong you will gain victory