Shivyog Seva Projects
Shiv represents the Supreme Consciousness and Yog represents union. ShivYog thus is the state of being merged with the infinite consciousness. To know more about healing the mind, body & soul and about life transformation solutions visit this website’s pages. The founder of ShivYog is Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand is the Master of Ancient Indian Healing, who is currently sharing the sacred secrets of healing for overall life transformation.
Service to Nature
Service to nature highlights
The Shiv Yog foundation of Dr. Shivanand has conducted thousands of initiatives over decades in the service of nature which include the following activities:
(1) Tree planting initiatives
(2) Reforestation of barren and desert areas
(3) Restoration of water tables

Women Empowerment
Highlights of women Empowerment
The Shiv Yog foundation has worked hard for women empowerment in rural areas by impart the knowledge and wisdom the ancient Shiv Yog lineage to them and also helping them over superstitious beliefs that hold them back.
The foundation also regularly conducts free wedding programs for rural women.
Food for all
Shivyog provides food for all
The Shiv Yog foundation runs “Anna kshetras” and food donation drives in India and many countries of the world. Also the foundation runs thousands of forums across the globe and these forums carry out weekly food donations in their local areas.

Service to Animals
Highlights of service to animals
Dr. Shivanand has built a very large animal shelter in Alwar, Rajasthan that provides a safe shelter for cows that were being sent to the slaughterhouse. Now these cows live in complete harmony in the midst of nature and free of fear. The Alwar goshala now houses more than a 1000 cows.
Youth empowerment project
Free school Uniforms
The Shiv Yog foundation distributes free school uniforms and other educational materials to children in rural and poor areas in India and many countries across the globe.

Farmer empowerment Project
Highlights of farmer empowerment
Dr. Shivanand has been working hard for farmer empowerment over the last two decades and his efforts are now bearing fruit. Shiv Yog Cosmic Farming has now become a household name all over India and many countries of the world. Millions of farmers across the globe have benefitted from this effort.
Heavenly Abode for Cows
Managed by Shiv Yog and created by the benevolent Siddha Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand Ji, with a lot of love, selfless service, devotion, hard work and strong penance, Alwar Gaushala is a haven for Cows. Some glimpses of this nature’s retreat for the cows, where they are kept with utmost safety, security, love and care.