Become an instrument of Unconditional Love
“The easiest way to achieve good health is to give Love and receive Love”
If you wish to be close to god, you should have the intention of unconditional love and not hatred. People who have love towards others, their cells vibrate at higher frequency compared to the one who have hatred, jealousy, guilt and feeling of fear. A true Shiv Yogi is the one who respects, loves and cares for everyone.
Empower yourself at physical, etheric, astral, causal, super causal level. If you are not spiritually aware, you will look after or love the body. But, if you are spiritually aware, you will love the soul of the person. You own 100% responsibility for whatever is happening to you. So, you should learn how to be loved by everyone. According to legend, Lord Shiva considers the act of hurting another person a sin. But, if your words make the other person happy, you have done a good deed. Cooperation, Love, Care and Happiness is really important. If you find something is going wrong then correct it, but do not complain. You need to let go of things which make you a negative person. Do not use harsh words.
In daily life, knowingly or unknowingly we get stuck with adverse situations and feelings of anger and guilt. In this way, a part of our self, gets stuck with these feelings and emotions. As this cycle continues, a part of our consciousness gets blocked. Due to this reason find that we are not whole and complete. This is one of cause of diseases, dissatisfaction in personal and family life.
By practicing the Shiv Yog Unconditional Forgiveness, Acceptance and Love meditation – “Nachiketa Agni Dyhan” and Shiv Yog sadhna we start receiving back part of the self which was stuck and start feeling complete and whole. These basic principle are applicable for Self, family members and people around us and can be further extended to all situations in our life.
If you do Sadhna every day, it will make you inculcate qualities that will make you loved by everyone. Nobody loves your body, everybody loves your qualities. Every day and in every way you must become better and better. You need to have inner strength and not just outer strength. You cannot claim love, it has to be earned.
-Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand