Meditation Helps Us Sleep Better

 In Meditation

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years as a means of spiritual enlightenment and awareness, but it also has other benefits. Even among persons who do not have sleep problems, studies demonstrate that it can help them sleep deeper.

Fortunately, meditation is both free and requires no special equipment. It’s also possible to do it almost everywhere.

The Sleep Epidemic

Sleep is as essential to our health as food, drink, and shelter. However, we do not always address it in this manner as a society. American adults do not get enough sleep: A recent Gallup poll shows that most adults perform their best when they sleep 7-9 hours each night. Despite this, over 40% of Americans sleep for less than 7 hours. Thirty percent of adults report that they have difficulty falling and staying asleep at least a few times each month. Six percent report having insomnia nearly every day.

What Causes Lack Of Sleep?

More than half of the population suffers from sleep deprivation, but it’s not because we don’t want to sleep. Due to various biological influences and lifestyle decisions, we sometimes find it difficult to fall or stay asleep. Your mind seems to go into overdrive when you lay your head on the pillow. You’ve always had thoughts, it’s just that you’re more aware of them now since there is no distraction.

It is common practice to sleep with our phones near our faces or under our covers. Unfortunately, mindless screen and gadget use are linked to poor sleep: A study found that the more devices people use, the harder it is for them to fall and stay asleep. Technology has also contributed to an upsurge in sleep issues: 90% of Americans use technology in the hour before bedtime (this includes watching tv, using cell phones, playing video games, using computers, and more).

What Are the Benefits of Meditation for Sleep?

Meditation before bedtime may be beneficial if you suffer from chronic insomnia or simply need assistance transitioning to a new sleep routine. There are a few theories regarding why meditation may help you sleep better, according to researchers:

Pain Alleviation

Pain can be reduced by meditating. According to preliminary research, meditation appears to help with pain alleviation without involving the brain’s naturally existing opioid molecules. Meditation was found to lessen anger and concern in persons with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disease. Developing a meditation practice can assist if chronic pain keeps you awake at night.

Mental well-being

Meditation for insomnia can help you sleep better by reducing anxiety, despair, and tension. Meditation has been shown to favor mental health in a review of over 200 studies.

Preparing The Body To Sleep

Meditation lowers the stress hormone cortisol levels in your body. It slows down your heart rate, which occurs naturally when you sleep. Meditation can also generate theta brainwaves, which are the same ones that happen when you fall asleep.

When you’re getting ready to meditate, ensure you’re in a comfortable position and won’t be disturbed. Turn off the TV and put your phone in silence.

How To Meditate?

ShivYog meditation can be done in a variety of ways. You are free to do it in whatever way you want. Most individuals meditate by sitting or lying comfortably, closing their eyes, and attempting to clear their minds. Look for meditation classes or join a local group meditation if you’re having problems getting started.

Meditation does not require a specific amount of time. You can do it for as little as a few minutes or as long as an hour. However, research suggests that 10 to 30 minutes of meditation can be beneficial.

It’s all about letting go of judgment in meditation. As you try to relax, thoughts may enter your mind. Simply look at them without passing judgment. As you concentrate on your meditation, notice them and let them go away. You can meditate for sleep in a variety of methods, including:

  • Box Breathing: Breathe in for a count of four while laying down. Then exhale while counting to four again.
  • Meditations with a guide: There are guided meditation apps for your phone and videos available online. These recordings cover a variety of themes and employ a variety of methodologies. Choose one that appeals to you and give it a shot.
  • Sounds soothing: Some people find it relaxing to meditate while listening to soft ShivYog music or natural sounds such as rain or waves.
  • Meditation with a body scan: Concentrate on your toes without moving or opening your eyes. Continue until you’ve covered your entire body, including your fingertips and the top of your skull. Before moving on to the next body part, note how they feel.
  • Meditation for body relaxation: This meditation is quite similar to a body scan. Start with your toes and pay attention to how they feel. Then clench your fists. Finally, try to unwind them as much as possible. Do the same on the rest of your body.

Join the ShivYog healing program and take advantage of the ShivYog healing process.

Namah Shivay!

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Meditation Helps Us Sleep Better
health benefits can improve your life